Tibetan Healing Chöd

Cutting Through to Freedom
Chod is a spiritual path that "cuts through" obstacles, negativity and self-delusion, while relying on Feminine Wisdom energy to purify body, mind and spirit. Combining all the elements of Tibetan Buddhism in a single practice, it brings about a direct experience of one's inner brilliance and original wisdom. The practice of Chod cultivates fearlessness, certainty and unrelenting compassion, connecting us to our deepest core. The unique combination of sacred song, ritual instruments, meditation and visualization creates a rich tapestry that reweaves our everyday experience and redefines our limited sense of self. It is also the practice of ultimate and relentless generosity, pacifying the sickness, suffering and spiritual blindness of sentient beings, and healing disturbed environmental energies.
The School of Chod
was created to deliver the a comprehensive training in the living traditions of Chod, as preserved in the vast and isolated Himalayan regions for a millennium. This multi-part program provides an opportunity to learn the full scope of Chöd, giving them the ability to:
- Clear hindering karmic stains, accumulated over thousands of lifetimes.
- Heal others, purifying the five elements of body and mind.
- Heal the land, and change disturbances in the environment.
- Experience true warriorship, creativity, human warmth, grounding and the wisdom of the the five-fold mandala of Sacred Being.
We will discover a vast and profound reservoir of methods for benefiting oneself and others within the field of Chod. Through progressive studies, participants will become conversant with all the texts associated with the Chod of MaChik, Nyingtig and Dudjom systems, as well as that of other treasure revealors. With live trainings and distance learning modules one can can receive a comprehensive trainings as a Chopa; And gain the ability to take the brilliance and power of this ancient, yet living Chod tradition into the complexity and chaos of modern life.
- Training in the basic principles of Chod background, ritual structure, offerings, guests, etc.
- The meaning, function and use of damaru, kangling and bell.
- Machik Yidam practice, the Dentok Chikma.
- MaChik SolDeb: Mahamudra Chod view and explanation.
- Two brief powerful Chod practices: Kusali Tsok and PeGyal Chod.
- 4 Prayers to the MaChik's reliquery, MaChik Confession Prayer.
- Each topic is a separate track and the melodies sung slowly and in isolation.
- Training in the daily Chod Lujin, as practiced in the Kagyu tradition
- the Chod Ngondro of Shuksep Ani Lochen
- The 13 Red and White Feasts
- Chod Long Life Practice from the tradition of Dharma Shri.
- Evoking the 8 Great Charnel Grounds of PeGyal Lingpa.
- Extended set of 5 DVDs available.
- Training in the Rinpoche Tsogley Trengwa and full day practices.
- Crown jewel of Chod, embracing the whole Chod tradition.
- Hard cover, 200 page tex of the Precious Rosary..
- Includes all 13 Red and White Feasts, healing section, etc.
- Most melodious and exquisite of the 4styles of this core ritual.
- Includes Protector practice, Kangwa, Dakini practice, guru yoga.
- Torma fabrication and detailed shrine set-up.
- Separate module of all melodies, chanted slowly, with all drumming and musical notations, etc.
- Over 38 different melodies, each with their own name (this information is almost extinct!)
The Precious Rosary
The Precious Rosary of Chod (Tsokley Rinchen Trengwa) is the epitome of MaChik's system of Chöd. The new 2nd (musical) edition of this 300-page hardcover practice text contains thousands of notations for the melodies and damaru/kangling—the perfect complement to over 100 separate musical tracks available in MP3 format. With Tibetan on the left in B&W, and transliteration and translation on the right, in color the book is organized into its 10 natural sections. The color coding, page numbers and number headings help easily navigate the full ritual or for your individualized practice style.
Hardcover: 8.5 x 11, 300 pages, 150 in full color, BW & Color Illustrations.
2nd Musical Edition, numbered, stamped and signed; $108,
Special upgrade price for 1st Edition owners — $75
For more information and sample pages connect here
The Music of Chöd
The Rinchen Tsokley is a tapestry of haunting and stirring melodies woven together with profound meanings and inherent blessings. Their energetic and vibratory power can be immediately sensed, with lasting healing and transformative effects either when listened to or chanted aloud. This integral part of Chod moves purifies iner channels and shifts our habitual flow of negative energies.
This complete collection of the Precious Rosary melodies is an audio guide for the 30-odd different tunes used in the various sections of the text. The recordings provide a guide to the pronunciation of the Tibetan and the often idiosyncratic phrasing. Listening or playing along, one can easily learn to integrate the melody with the damaru, bell and mantric exclamations. Phat!
Approximately 100 mp3 tracks.
Detailed accompanying booklet
Delivered digitally direct to you" $75.
For more information and sample pages connect here
All-English Rosary
The companion volume to the full Tibetan / transliteration / translation of the Rinchen Trengwa is formatted and re-edited to reflect, as closely as possible, the poetry and structure of the original ritual text. This beautiful text has 160 color coded pages, a section numbering system, 40 black & white vintage woodblock prints and seven full color images. It is designed for a flowing read that fosters an appreciation of the depth of meaning and inherent power of MaChik’s original tradition.
1. HARD COVER: full color, stamped and numbered in half-page format (5.5 x 8.5) — $35 via the author.
2. SOFT-COVER: full color format as above — $30 On Amazon.
For more information and sample pages connect here

MODULE 5: The Healing Rituals
Distance Learning Module
- Training in the SIX healing rituals directly from MaChik.
- Nail of the Four Elements, Offering in 6 Parts
- Feast of the 9 Demons, 100 Changbu Torma Offering.
- Nail of the Fire Element (Viral Diseases and Wildfires!)
- The meaning of Ransom and the practice of torma making.
- Introduction to Elemental Healing in relation to Chod.
- Includes audio and necessary video
- Training in the Chod Nehdren or After-Death Guidance ritual.
- Directly from the tradition of MaChik, in the compilation of the Precious Rosary.
- Purification of the karma of the deceased, elemental clearing
- Sur offering and guidance to avoid the 6 realms and achieve the experience of Pure Realms.
- Uses a unique thangka or picture of a golden stupa, as we guide the deceased through the six possible rebirths to Dewachen.
The Distance Connection

In order to make these precious teachings available to the widest possible audience, the entire comprehensive training in Chod is being offering as a distance learning model. Students receive all texts, slides, sound files of teachings and sadhanas, as well as live online transmissions and empowerments. Thus suitable practitioners anywhere in the world can now draw great benefit from this training, and ultimately spread the teachings of even further.
Successful completion of the six basic modules provides, on the inner level, a tremendous range of training, experience and the beginning of real expertise in the spiritual art of Chod. On an external level it genuinely entitles you to a meaningful certification as a Chopa.
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